Vilnius University Faculty of Communication (VUFC) has organised, within Europeana Archaeology project, the use case
“Using Archaeological Content of Europeana For a Museum”.
The event has been divided in two different meetings on October 23rd and November 7th 2019 and it was hosted by National Museum of Lithuania that hold the main archaeological exhibitions in Lithuania. Europeana collection gives also access to several images of items included in the Museum.
The first training was carried out with guides working in the archaeological exhibitions and it dealt with the employ of Europeana content for realisation of tour in the Museum. After this training there was a lesson about “The Custom of Placing Grave Goods” based on the resources coming from Europeana archaeology collection.

The second training conducted with the employees of the archaeology department of the Museum concerned the opportunity of using the content of Europeana archaeology collection for Museums or Academic works.

Presentation: Įkapių dėjimo paprotys I–XVI a.pagal
Dr. Šarūnė Valotkienė (Vilniaus Universitetas Komunikacijos fakultetas)
by Šarūnė Valotkienė, Vilnius University Faculty of Communication