We are pleased to announce you the Europeana Archaeology project final event.
The conference “Connecting archaeology in Europe: case studies and of going digital experiences ” will be held online on 8th -9th October 2020 from 13:00 – 16:30 CEST and it will be hosted by the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz.

Thousands of museums, archives, libraries and research institutions across Europe hold fascinating archaeology collections – discoveries from earliest prehistory to modern times covering all aspects of life – domestic, farming, industry, religion and more.
The CEF-financed project “Europeana Archaeology” has set out to increase the availability of this rich content in Europeana. We have worked with cultural institutions to develop the tools, skills and expertise to share their collections. In this two day conference, speakers will share their experiences of making archaeology collections accessible via Europeana and of developing virtual experiences for visitors.
Connecting collections is especially relevant for archaeology as past cultures and modern political boundaries rarely coincide. People migrate, trade and exchange gifts. Items relevant to a culture are often distributed between institutions in different regions. Finding ways of improving the interoperability of these diverse datasets by increasing the use of linked open data, clear labeling of languages and rights is an area that the project has focused on. During the conference a new enrichment service being made available to Europeana’s network of aggregators and data providers will be launched.
Project partners, researchers and specialists will share their experience of making the digital archaeological heritage accessible to users through Europeana. They will also discuss experiences of implementing Europeana into education and tourism and other stakeholders with use cases and best practices.
Get connected, register now!
For the registration to the conference and to obtain more information, please visit the page: