The first use case of Europeana Archaeology project

Vilnius University Faculty of Communication (VUFC) has organised, within Europeana Archaeology project, the use case
Using Archaeological Content of Europeana For a Museum”.
The event has been divided in two different meetings on October 23rd and November 7th 2019 and it was hosted by National Museum of Lithuania that hold the main archaeological exhibitions in Lithuania. Europeana collection gives also access to several images of items included in the Museum.

The first training was carried out with guides working in the archaeological exhibitions and it dealt with the employ of Europeana content for realisation of tour in the Museum. After this training there was a lesson about “The Custom of Placing Grave Goods” based on the resources coming from Europeana archaeology collection.

The second training conducted with the employees of the archaeology department of the Museum concerned the opportunity of using the content of Europeana archaeology collection for Museums or Academic works.

Presentation: Įkapių dėjimo paprotys I–XVI a.pagal
Dr. Šarūnė Valotkienė (Vilniaus Universitetas Komunikacijos fakultetas)

by Šarūnė Valotkienė, Vilnius University Faculty of Communication

Conference “Dalla Terra alla Carta: la pubblicazione archeologica in Italia” organised by the Confederazione Italiana Archeologi

In November 8th 2019, in Rome, took place the meeting “Dalla Terra alla Carta: la pubblicazione archeologica in Italia” organised by the Confederazione Italiana Archeologi and hosted at the “Ex Cartiera Latina” (ex Latin Paper Mill), a symbolically suitable place for debating on this matter.
The focus of the meeting was the paper to be interpreted both as a publication, outcome of archaeological research hard to produce, and as support that, even if irreplaceable, must be necessarily be supported by digital: for example, the 3D reconstructions or the practices brought back to life by the experimental archaeology.

On this occasion, the Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and Bibliographic Information (ICCU), presented two projects deal with archaeology where the Institute is involved as partner: Europeana Archaeology and Ariadne Plus project.

More information about the event at

Europeana 2019 Connect Communities

From November 27th to November 29th 2019 in Lisbon (Portugal) the 2019 Europeana conference – Network Association AGM will take place. The event will be hosted by the National Library of Portugal and the program of the three days conference will include workshops, discussions, panels and networking activities.

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27th NEMO European Museum Conference 2019

From November 7th to November 10th 2019 in Tartu (Estonia) the 27th NEMO European Museum Conference 2019 will be held . Considering the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) adopted in September 2015 by United Nations in order to end the poverty, to preserve the planet and to guarantee the prosperity for the next decade, NEMO has chosen to dedicate the event to the role of the Museums in the construction of a better future. Around 150 participants from Museum in Europe will attend the meeting.

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